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HTML <link> rel=monetization

The <link> element enables you to add Web Monetization to an HTML document. The rel value must be monetization. The href value must be a URL representing a payment pointer.

<link rel="monetization" href="https://wallet.example/alice" />

A single HTML document can contain multiple monetization <link> elements; however, it’s up to each WM provider to decide how they want to handle this scenario. We recommend WM providers split the payments evenly between the links.

Payment pointers

The first version of the Web Monetization spec favored <meta> over <link>. The <meta> element supported payment pointers written in shorthand form (e.g., $wallet.example/alice).

The <link> element doesn’t support shorthand and requires the href value be the URL that the payment pointer resolves to (e.g., https://wallet.example/alice).

If you need help converting a payment pointer from shorthand to its equivalent URL, enter your payment pointer into the input field on In most cases, you can simply replace the $ with https://.
